
Cwmbach Church in Wales Primary School

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Autumn 23 - The World as I know it!

The World as I know it 

After discussion as a class, children decided that they would like to learn about space and what is outside of our world as we know it. They came up with lots of interesting questions including, 'What makes each planet different?' 'Is there life on any other planet?' 'Who has been on the moon?' 'What does an astronaut do all day?' and 'Why is there no gravity in space?' Pupil voice is very important in our classroom and we hold regular classroom discussions about where their learning is going and what they want to do next. 

Immersion day 

We started the topic with a space immersion day. Children came to school dressed in astronaut clothing and they took part in astronaut training, with each child graduating at the end of the day to 'Space Cadet'. 

Activities included astronaut fitness camp, eating dehydrated food just like real astronauts do, creating space suits out of recycled materials for their space buddy and 'fixing the space ship' in space gloves. 

Lots of fun was had and lots of information was learnt about the day in the life of an astronaut. 

Investigating air resistance 

Children took part in an investigation into air resistance. They measured accurately to create different sized parachutes to investigate whether the air resistance was greater as the parachute got bigger. 

We love to teach others! 

Children enjoyed taking part in an afternoon of teaching where they taught Dosbarth Palm all about the solar system and helped them to create some planets which are now displayed in our classroom. They showed great leadership skills, presented well and collaboratively created some wonderful collages of the planets. 
