
Cwmbach Church in Wales Primary School

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Dosbarth Acorns - Nursery/Reception

Welcome to \ Croeso i Dosbarth Acorns 2022-2023 


We are so happy to be back and are ready for another year of wonderful learning.

We are a mixed Nursery/Reception class


Class teacher: Miss Rossiter

Additional Practitioners: Miss Carly and Mrs Jones. 


Staying connected


We understand the importance of seeing and knowing what your child does day to day in school. There are a few ways you can stay connected to us and see first hand what your child has been learning by logging onto Twitter, Seesaw and DoJo. To use Seesaw and Dojo your child will be sent home with a unique log on, if you need this please let us know.


Miss Shellard also sends out a weekly newsletter which is packed with important information and dates, please take time to read it.


How to support your child at home


There are lots of ways to help support your child at home using different apps, online games and other real-life opportunities outside of home. We will keep updating this page with new ideas.





Every child will be given a reading record book, book bag and a new book will be issued each week. We ask that you return your child's book to school each week, we will then send home a new reading book. We ask that you spend time reading your child's book with them and use the reading record to note down how they have done that week.


Class Information


Children are encouraged to bring in a bottle of water each day, clearly labelled with their name. We encourage the children to keep drinking throughout the day to stay healthy! 


We also have milk each day alongside a healthy snack such as fruit. Children are welcome to bring in fruit every day or alternatively you can pay for fruit each week. Fruit is 20p per day or £1 per week. If you do want to pay for fruit please ask the office for your child's code to be able to pay for this using the online payment service. 


Physical Education | PE Day


Our PE day is a Tuesday, we ask that your child wears comfortable clothes i.e joggers, t.shirt, hoodie and trainers every Wednesday. It is also recommended that you ensure that your child has water bottle with them clearly  labelled with their name.

